In the News

Mikhenzo Runs New Jersey

At the most trying times for families, businesses, healthcare institutions, academia and government; the global economy has infused an uncertainty to the way of life. People’s livelihood is being impacted by the pandemic.

This is a time when commercial buildings are up for sale/rent as if they are tenant-hungry apartment units; corporations are bankrupt and businesses are going out of business. While everything that could fall apart seems to be on the verge of falling apart, the status-quo is also giving a breath of fresh air to renewed strength.

Mike Tyson, at the age of 53 has decided to come out of retirement to fight in a competitive bout against Roy Jones Jr. In August, 2020 Oscar De La Hoya, at the age of 47, announced his intention to come out of retirement.

Neiman Marcus was once on the verge of filing bankruptcy to eliminate nearly $4 billion dollars of debt, and is now on a come-back after being granted access to $250 million in creditor financing.

You may be wondering where we are headed with all this. You are welcome to this new journey, shedding light on businesses in this pandemic era. Have you heard of a business where its idea is borne from a child. I was honored to conduct an insightful and exciting interview with the Mikhenzo brand.

I had the opportunity to catch up with Henry Nii-Laryea Mensah, Co-Founder of Mikhenzo brand. He is a renowned business developer, an author and a father to three vibrant sons. Out of the shelter-in-place, Mr. Mensah sees the opportunity to give light, better yet miles to the brand created for his three sons.

ADK1 Media: What inspired the setting up Mikhenzo?

H.L. Mensah: I overhead my son Enzo discussing making a T-shirt for his birthday with his mom. As a business developer, the thought of a family centered business has been with me for a number of years. This conversation between Enzo and his mom sparked the light in my head and the conception of a family brand began to germinate. I spent about 3-months researching and formulating a name for this brand. Eventually the billion-dollar name Mikhenzo was clear to us to conclude as the name. Mikhenzo is a configuration and a derivative of my sons’ names; Mikael, Henry and Enzo (Mikhenzo).


ADK1 Media: What is Mikhenzo’s specialty?

H.L. Mensah: The name Mikhenzo speaks life into many things. As a family with a sports background, we find sportswear as a great space to leverage and create quality, great looking and good feeling apparels. We are officially in our first year of operation and we are very excited about the immeasurable space our brand can have an impact.


ADK1 Media: What sets Mihkenzo Sportswear apart from other sports wear?

L. Mensah: We are simply a start-up and in the middle of a hard global economy downturn. This is a time when consumers are not persuaded by incentives but only buy on a need basis. We are in the early stage of establishing relationships with manufacturers along with all the dynamics one can imagine. Consumers don’t know us from Paul, google is otherwise. It is yet an exciting opportunity for us to create that vibrant credible relationship with manufacturers, earn our trust from consumers and bring visibility to our brand that will allow us to compete and ultimately gain some market shares.


ADK1 Media: What are some of the Mikhenzo merchandize in stock?

L. Mensah: We currently have in stock reading glasses, sunglasses, leather backpacks, short and long sleeves shirts for men, women, boys and girls. We also have baseball hats, hoodies and sweaters. Multiple color options for women leggings and more.


ADK1 Media: What are the challenges you have encountered?

L. Mensah: Current global public health issue with Covid-19 has caused several weeks of delays in production. Consumers’ confidence is at all time low. In addition, there are now copious platforms online available for consumers to shop from. This leaves no room for mistake in our planning – product design, quality checks and releases.


ADK1 Media: What is MikhenzoRunsNewJersey?

H.L. Mensah: #MikhenzoRunsNewJersey is a movement designed to promote Mikhenzo brand while staying sharp mentally. New Jersey is 70 miles wide and 170 miles long. Together, my sons’ ages add up to be 25. In 25 days, I will be running a total of 240 miles and tape my runs as I raise awareness for Mikhenzo. I will share video clips of my run on a daily basis. While this is a challenge for me, we are taking advantage of this time to present an opportunity for customers to buy merchandize and try it out without paying for it. Meaning you would have from Thursday November 5 through Sunday November 30 to order and try the merchandize and if you don’t like it, send it back within the 25 day window and there will be no charges.

Our brand collection includes a line of apparels and accessories for the whole family; men, women, boys and girls. These are easy to wear, every day merchandize for the office, school and the outdoors. During MikhenzoRunNewJersey all products on our website will be available for this deal. Twenty Percent (20%) of sales proceeds will be used to support Gloucester City Youth Sports.


ADK1 Media: You made mention of the brand being created for your children, would they be running alongside you?

L. Mensah: They will not specifically be running the entire time with me. They will be riding their bike 5 days out of the 25 day run.


ADK1 Media: What can the public do in support of MikhenzoRunNewJersey?

H.L.Mensah: I think at the very challenging time, our mind is at its sharpest. And running is a healthy mental state remedy. Running increases the level of the body’s natural endocannabinoids which promote short-term psychoactive effects such as reduced anxiety and feeling of calm. As a matter of fact, to the person who is reading this article and desire to participate, 1) you can set a running plan and run with us or establish just an exercising schedule, 2) you can further support by shopping with Mikhenzo and enjoy the merchandize for 25 days and lastly, 3) you can share my posting of MikhenzoRunsNewJersey as we post on our website, instagram, facebook, LinkedIn. Our website is


ADK1 Media: What is the take-away for you – what do you plan on achieving at the end of MikhenzoRunsNewJersey?

H.L. Mensah: When the motive is family-centered, the will to push through is high. This is about my sons’ product – a brand we believe so much in. A brand that we see so much potential out of. I often say “Mikhenzo is a billion dollar brand, we got the brand and we are in pursuing for the billion dollars.” It’s exciting and fulfilling at the same time to embark on this project as to touch the heart of even a single person that can be drawn to the brand through this movement. Often we seek for gold but, unwilling to get our fingernails dirty – the same dirt is required to separate the gold from the earth. This is to my sons’ brand – a challenge for me with an outcome and memory that will be felt for decades to come. This is about willing to put in the work – whatever it takes. And along the way empower someone to make healthy life-style changes.


Written by: Joana Naa-Adjeley Obeney

Writer and Communication

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